
Glenn Jonas

Charles B. Howard Professor of Religion, Campbell University

Glenn Jonas is the Charles B. Howard Professor of Religion and chair of the department of religion and philosophy at Campbell University, Buies Creek, N.C., where he has taught since 1994. His research focuses on church history with a particular emphasis in Baptist history. He has a B.A. from Mars Hill College, an M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in church history from Baylor University. Jonas has pastored churches in North Carolina and Texas and frequently preaches and teaches in local Baptist churches, as well as on college campuses and at retreats.

Emily McGinley

Applications now open for Reflective Leadership Grants

“The Reflective Leadership Grant gave me space and resources to connect with colleagues from diverse traditions and hear about what God is up to across the church…” — Emily McGinley, City Church San Francisco

Christian leaders from a variety of roles are welcome to apply. The grants provide “balcony time” to reflect on accomplishments, broaden perspectives and discern next steps. The application deadline is May 2, 2025.

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