Melanie Ave
Communications manager, Concordia Seminary St. Louis
Melanie Ave is the communications manager for Concordia Seminary St. Louis. Before that, she was communications director for Smile Squared and a writer, editor and social media coordinator for The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. She was a journalist for 18 years, working for newspapers in Oklahoma, Texas and Florida.

Work and prayer
Trappist monks become entrepreneurs. Brothers at a monastery in Missouri run a business enterprise while also dedicating their lives to God.

Money + Ministry: Destigmatizing personal finance in ministry and beyond
For too long, people have faced isolation, stress, and judgment with regards to their personal finances. This five-part podcast series will inspire clergy, congregations and communities to normalize conversations about money. Each episode features a pastoral leader who shares practical resources and lessons from their own financial journey to help congregations — both clergy and laity — thrive.
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