
Nicole Havelka

Associate conference minister for youth, Iowa UCC

Nicole M. Havelka is the associate conference minister for youth and young adult ministries in the Iowa Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Nicole Havelka: Denial

Denial -- the willful failure to look facts in the face -- can debilitate the life of Christian institutions and their leaders.

Nicole M. Havelka: The return myth

Demystifying ourselves can be difficult, because it involves admitting we were wrong.

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Money + Ministry: Destigmatizing personal finance in ministry and beyond

For too long, people have faced isolation, stress, and judgment with regards to their personal finances. This five-part podcast series will inspire clergy, congregations and communities to normalize conversations about money. Each episode features a pastoral leader who shares practical resources and lessons from their own financial journey to help congregations — both clergy and laity — thrive.

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