Samuel Chuin Ming Oo
English pastor, Chinese Christian Mission Church, Durham, North Carolina.
Born in Penang, Malaysia, Samuel Chuin Ming Oo spent his childhood and youth in Singapore and Taiwan and young adulthood in the United States. He holds both bachelor's and master's degrees in architecture from The Ohio State University and worked as an architectural designer before he was called to ministry. He graduated with an M.Div. from Singapore Bible College in 2012 and now serves as the English pastor of the Chinese Christian Mission Church (CCMC) in Durham, North Carolina.

Money + Ministry: Destigmatizing personal finance in ministry and beyond
For too long, people have faced isolation, stress, and judgment with regards to their personal finances. This five-part podcast series will inspire clergy, congregations and communities to normalize conversations about money. Each episode features a pastoral leader who shares practical resources and lessons from their own financial journey to help congregations — both clergy and laity — thrive.
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