What does theology look like in a world dominated by Twitter?
Tim Conder
Tim Conder is the founding pastor of Emmaus Way in Durham, North Carolina. He also serves on the Board of Directors at Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle, Washington. He is the author, most recently, of “Free for All: Rediscovering the Bible in Community” (Baker).
Authenticity requires that we lead appropriately in specific contexts. Integrity demands that we learn to love of places of calling.
Tim Conder: Prophetic ministry at a wedding
Some of our greatest leadership comes in the out-of-control, ill-fitted, inconvenient, and unchosen moments of our work
Tim Conder: A board member and a friend?
Commitment to intentional conversation can bring beauty and mystery to board life.
Foundations of Christian Leadership
“I’m grateful for programs like Foundations of Christian Leadership where I had the privilege of meeting courageous souls who love Jesus deeply and are devoted to following him by loving their neighbors in practical, tangible ways.”
— Gabrielle Leonard (Founder, Returning to Joy)
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