
Fred Bahnson

Director, Food, Faith and Religious Leadership Initiative

Fred Bahnson is author of "Soil and Sacrament: A Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith" (Simon & Schuster). He directs the Food, Health, and Ecological Well-Being Program at Wake Forest University School of Divinity. A former Kellogg Food & Community fellow at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, he is the recipient of a 2012 North Carolina Arts Council fellowship in creative nonfiction. He previously served as the director of Anathoth Community Garden, a ministry he co-founded at Cedar Grove United Methodist Church. His writing has appeared in Orion, The Sun, Christian Century and “Best American Spiritual Writing 2007,” and he is co-author, with Norman Wirzba, of "Making Peace with the Land: God’s Call to Reconcile with Creation" (IVP). You can find him online at

Lent artwork

Resource guide for Lent

This guide from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship includes art, music, devotions, liturgies, books, sermons and other resources to help you plan worship for Lent. 

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