News & Ideas

Friday's News & Ideas - 9/20/2024

  • Evangelicals for Harris
  • Faith leaders & mental health care
  • Can AI write a sermon?
  • Democrats & Black church
  • Meaning of self-forgiveness
  • Water inequality

These evangelicals are voting their values — by backing Kamala Harris
The Associated Press: Some evangelicals have used perceived cracks in his political fidelity to further distance themselves from the former president, especially as Trump and his surrogates have waffled over whether he would sign a federal abortion ban should he become president.

Poll: Faith leaders key to providing access to mental health care
Religion News Service: Sixty-eight percent of U.S. adults said they would likely seek mental health care if a religious leader in their community recommended it, according to a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association.

Seminaries prompt students to ask: Can AI write a sermon?
Religion News Service: From divinity school hallways to organized seminars to governing bodies, professors of the art of preaching are considering what AI means their students.

Democrats can’t rely on the Black church anymore*
The Atlantic: The path to winning the Black vote no longer runs through the church door.

Self-forgiveness is more than self-comfort − a philosopher explains
The Conversation: Self-forgiveness means managing to work through painful feelings such as guilt, shame and deep disappointment with ourselves.

The Spark

This is life in America’s water-inequality capital. It might be about to change
The Navajo Nation uses the least amount of water per person of anyone in the U.S. — and pays the most, Time says.

*access is limited for nonsubscribers

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