News & Ideas

Wednesday's News & Ideas - 9/18/2024

  • Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday party
  • Ohio funds religious schools
  • Pastors decline to say who they'll vote for
  • Jewish Voice for Peace origins
  • Egyptian Christians help Palestinians
  • Why Haitians are targeted in US

Stars come out in Atlanta to celebrate Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday
The Guardian: Jimmy Carter doesn’t turn 100 until Oct. 1, but the red carpet was nevertheless rolled out at the Fox Theater to pay homage to America’s oldest living former president.

In an unprecedented move, Ohio is funding the construction of private religious schools
ProPublica: The state is giving millions in taxpayer dollars directly to private schools to help them renovate and expand their campuses. It may be the next frontier in the push to increase the use of school vouchers, proponents say.

A survey firm asked pastors who they’ll vote for. Nearly a quarter wouldn’t say
Deseret News: Twenty-three percent of the surveyed faith leaders refused to answer the question about whom they’ll vote for, according to Lifeway Research’s survey report. The group of refusers is much bigger today than it was during the past two elections.

Former leaders of Jewish Voice for Peace detail their organizing tactics in new book
Religion News Service: JVP has become a powerhouse of the American Jewish left. In a new book, "Solidarity Is the Political Version of Love," two of its past leaders trace the lessons they learned along the way.

Egyptian Christians show ‘love of Jesus’ to displaced Palestinians*
Christianity Today: How Baptists and Presbyterians have partnered to offer food, water and witness amid the Gaza war.

The Spark

Trump’s claims about Haitians draw from a centuries-long narrative. These women explain why.
Due to the unique ways race, religion and resistance have intersected in Haiti’s history, immigrants from the Caribbean nation have experienced a specific brand of xenophobia in the United States, even as Black immigrants in this country lack visibility, the 19th says.

*access is limited for nonsubscribers

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