
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Assistant director and lecturer, Center for Public Theology & Public Policy, Yale Divinity School

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove is assistant director for partnerships and fellowships and a lecturer at the Center for Public Theology & Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. He is a writer, speaker and the co-founder, with his wife Leah, of Rutba House, a new monastic community in Durham, North Carolina, where he lives. He is associate minister at St. John’s Baptist Church and directs the School for Conversion, a nonprofit community organization. Wilson-Hartgrove is a graduate of Eastern University and Duke Divinity School.

He is the author of more than a dozen books, including the daily prayer guide, "Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals," "New Monasticism" and "Revolution of Values." His most recent book, co-written with the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, is “White Poverty: How Exposing Myths About Race and Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy.” 

Leadership in God's economy

In our zero-sum world, becoming great means making someone else small. But Jesus taught that true abundance comes from becoming “the servant of all,” writes Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove.

Lent artwork

Resource guide for Lent

This guide from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship includes art, music, devotions, liturgies, books, sermons and other resources to help you plan worship for Lent. 

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