
Andrea Palpant Dilley


Andrea Palpant Dilley is a contributing editor for Christianity Today and oversees CT Women. Her writing has appeared in Books and Culture, Rock and Sling, Geez Magazine, Utne Reader, Faith and Leadership, and Christianity Today. She grew up in Kenya as the daughter of Quaker missionaries and spent the rest of her childhood in the Pacific Northwest. She is the author of “Faith and Other Flat Tires: Searching for God on the Rough Road of Doubt” (Zondervan) and a contributor to the anthology "Jesus Girls: True Tales of Growing Up Female and Evangelical" (Wipf and Stock). She lives with her husband and four kids in Austin, Texas. Find her on Facebook or on Twitter @AndreaPalpant.

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Foundations of Christian Leadership

“I’m grateful for programs like Foundations of Christian Leadership where I had the privilege of meeting courageous souls who love Jesus deeply and are devoted to following him by loving their neighbors in practical, tangible ways.” 

— Gabrielle Leonard (Founder, Returning to Joy)

Do you care about the church in the world and want to build skills to lead Christian-inspired projects with joy and creativity?

Foundations of Christian Leadership brings together emerging leaders from a variety of faith-based organizations as colleagues in an encouraging and collaborative learning environment.

Applications for our Chicago sessions are due February 14, 2025.

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