
Callie Swanlund

Priest and retreat leader

The Rev. Callie Swanlund is an Episcopal priest, retreat leader, spiritual companion and coach who helps others know their belovedness and find their spark. Swanlund is a creative minister and leads individuals and groups in the work of Brené Brown as a certified Daring Way facilitator. Her film, “How2charist: Digital Instructed Eucharist,” has reached Christians and curious individuals around the world, and her Wholehearted Wisdom movement invites others into deeper reflection and connection across social media. Her new book, “From Weary to Wholehearted,” is a restorative resource for overcoming ministry burnout.

Swanlund lives in Philadelphia. Learn more about her at


Map your community data

This tool from Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) will generate a custom report of housing, family structure, population changes, and other economic indicators and then summarize how to interpret the data for outreach efforts.

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