Stale categories undermine leadership.
Stale categories undermine leadership.
How should leaders respond to criticism in the Internet age?
How can we focus our institutions’ resources to invest in the young?
To become more diverse, younger, sustainable and innovative, denominations need to nurture the creative communities that spring up within the larger church.
What role does financial independence play in defining a church?
How can we nurture innovative cultures in our congregations and denominational structures?
Church is one of the last places in our society where generations come together. It can be the place that models financial cooperation, compassion and creativity across all age groups.
It’s probably good that most churches aren’t wrapped up in the latest fads. But there are cultural shifts congregations and church leaders need to track and respond to sensibly.
How can we strengthen the relationship of pastors and churches with seminaries?
How can we create new ministries that serve the poor and reach the young, and still feed our families?
Both the mainline and evangelical worlds have shifted.
One advocacy organization that works on behalf of its homeless friends finds itself too busy not to tweet.
And what if it’s not the individuals’ fault, but their churches’?