David A. Davis decides to spend his sabbatical learning about leadership and offers lessons from that immersion in a different world.
David A. Davis
David A. Davis is the senior pastor of Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton, N.J. He earned a Ph.D. in homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary where he continues to teach as a visiting lecturer. His academic work has focused on preaching as a corporate act and the active role of the listener in the preaching event. He has published a collection of sermons entitled “A Kingdom You Can Taste.”
Recommended reading
There are plenty of bad leadership books out there, and David A. Davis ran across many of them in his quest for wisdom about leadership. He offers a list of books worth reading on the topic.
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This tool from Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) will generate a custom report of housing, family structure, population changes, and other economic indicators and then summarize how to interpret the data for outreach efforts.
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