
Diane Kenaston

Co-founder, Good Friday Collaborative

The Rev. Diane Kenaston is the co-founder and principal of the Good Friday Collaborative, which supports churches concluding ministry through merging, closing, relocating or restarting.

She is a United Methodist elder with 10 years of experience pastoring churches in West Virginia and Missouri. She has led a church merger, facilitated the sale of two parsonages, and helped two yoked churches discern that it was time to separate. As a pastor, she specialized in adaptive change and cultivating communities of justice and peace.

Kenaston is currently a clergy coach and writer in New Haven, Connecticut, and is working on a devotional book for churches with uncertain futures.

She serves on the board for Young Clergy Women International and recently worked as the county ecumenical officer for Churches Together in Cambridgeshire in Cambridge, England.


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