
Elizabeth Le’anani Coffee

Director of storytelling, H.E. Butt Foundation

Elizabeth Leanani Coffee is the director of storytelling at the H.E. Butt Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Before that she served as South Texas Regional Coordinator at the Baptist General Convention of Texas, developing relationships with innovative, emerging Christian leaders across the state and designing new leadership development initiatives in the Rio Grande Valley. She is a graduate of Abilene Christian Unversity and a member of the Board of Advocates at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University.

Coffee serves as an advisor to Leadership Education at Duke Divinity.


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This tool from the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) assists church and community leaders in accessing free online information about their communities. The initial map shows the location of other churches in your area and the Community Profile Builder provides you with social, economic and religious information on the community or neighborhoods you select.

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