
John Schmalzbauer

Sociologist John Schmalzbauer teaches in the Religious Studies Department at Missouri State University where he holds the Blanche Gorman Strong Chair in Protestant Studies. Prior to that he taught in the Sociology/Anthropology Department at the College of the Holy Cross. He is the author of "People of Faith: Religious Conviction in American Journalism and Higher Education" (Cornell). In addition to "Call & Response," he is a regular contributor to "The Immanent Frame" and the Patchwork Nation Project of the "Christian Science Monitor." He is co-investigator on the National Study of Campus Ministries. A graduate of Wheaton College, Schmalzbauer earned his doctorate from Princeton University.

Emily McGinley

Applications now open for Reflective Leadership Grants

“The Reflective Leadership Grant gave me space and resources to connect with colleagues from diverse traditions and hear about what God is up to across the church…” — Emily McGinley, City Church San Francisco

Christian leaders from a variety of roles are welcome to apply. The grants provide “balcony time” to reflect on accomplishments, broaden perspectives and discern next steps. The application deadline is May 2, 2025.

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