
Julia Duin


Julia Duin is a Newsweek contributing editor for religion. She was previously an assistant national editor and religion editor for The Washington Times for 14 years. She specializes in coverage of interesting women in religion, such as her award-winning profile of Nadia Bolz-Weber in the December 2014 issue of More magazine; her nearly 6,000-word profile on President Trump’s adviser Paula White in the Washington Post Sunday Magazine in November 2017; and her piece on Delilah Rene, a radio host with 8 million weekly listeners, for the Seattle Times in April 2019.

Emily McGinley

Applications now open for Reflective Leadership Grants

“The Reflective Leadership Grant gave me space and resources to connect with colleagues from diverse traditions and hear about what God is up to across the church…” — Emily McGinley, City Church San Francisco

Christian leaders from a variety of roles are welcome to apply. The grants provide “balcony time” to reflect on accomplishments, broaden perspectives and discern next steps. The application deadline is May 2, 2025.

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