Martin B. Copenhaver ponders whether he should be called “Martin,” “pastor” or some other title, such as “The Very Right Reverend Doctor Julius W. (‘Who Are You To Question My Authority?’) Johnson III.”
Martin B. Copenhaver
The Rev. Martin B. Copenhaver is senior pastor of Wellesley Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Wellesley, Mass. He is the author or co-author of four books: “Living Faith While Holding Doubts,” “To Begin at the Beginning: An Introduction to the Christian Faith,” “Good News in Exile” and “Words for the Journey: Letters to Our Teenagers About Life and Faith.” His new book, co-authored by Lillian Daniel, is “This Odd and Wondrous Calling: The Public and Private Lives of Two Ministers,” to be published by Eerdmans in August.
The worst of all jobs, and yet...
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