
Melissa Florer-Bixler

Pastor, Raleigh Mennonite Church

Melissa Florer-Bixler is pastor of Raleigh Mennonite Church. Prior to that, she served as minister of nurture at Duke Memorial United Methodist Church in Durham, North Carolina. She has an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary and an M.A. in religion from Duke University. Florer-Bixler is licensed for ministry in the Virginia Mennonite Conference and is active in a group working to found a L’Arche community in Durham. Florer-Bixler is the author of "Fire By Night: Finding God in the Pages of the Old Testament" (Herald Press, Spring 2019)

Lent artwork

Resource guide for Lent

This guide from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship includes art, music, devotions, liturgies, books, sermons and other resources to help you plan worship for Lent. 

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