The best way to handle conflict is to prevent it.
The best way to handle conflict is to prevent it.
Our culture resolves the universal problem of being human by avoiding guilt.
We sit in our churches like people stood up on a date.
How learned helplessness infects our churches and what we can do about it.
Advertising has always known flattery sells. But today flattery has so many more options to awaken the inner-narcissist in us all.
The incarnation tells us that our matter matters to God.
Loneliness is becoming a public health crisis.
A scene from “The Great Santini” offers a powerful Lenten message.
In a culture of fear, church leaders should help people develop the habits, practices and virtues that correspond with following Jesus.
There is a pastoral challenge in Charles Murray’s new book about the growing social and economic division in American culture.
Without the capacity to remember we might forget we are not God.
Sometimes leaders have to help people learn to be dissatisfied with how things are.
What would congregations be like if they experimented more with trial, error and adaptation?