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Going beyond just keeping the peace to becoming ambassadors of peace
In the months before the 2024 presidential election, the Purple Church Initiative helped members of hundreds of UMC churches in North Carolina talk with fellow congregants with whom they disagreed.
What is the role of the church in helping the nation heal after this divisive election?
Seven Christian writers reflect on the election results and how to move forward faithfully.
What do you pray for before an election?
Faith & Leadership asked various faith leaders from multiple backgrounds to help lead us in prayer before another watershed U.S. election.
Kelly Brown Douglas: The history and hope in Kamala Harris’ candidacy
The racist and misogynist attacks against Kamala Harris reflect a culture of white supremacy. While Christianity has contributed to that culture, the church has an opportunity to respond differently, says the canon theologian at Washington National Cathedral.
What does it mean to follow Jesus in a divided America?
Our ultimate goal isn’t winning an argument or even an election but bringing healing to a suffering world, writes a journalist and author.

Election resources for churches updated for 2024
With election season in full swing, here’s a collection of essays, book excerpts, interviews and other resources to help faith leaders and their communities navigate the weeks ahead.
Six ways small churches can help us stay human during election season
Small churches may seem irrelevant during critical elections of international consequence. But these local congregations have much to teach us about staying human, says a Quaker pastor.

Ruth Braunstein: More organizations are recognizing the threat of Christian nationalism
Organizations across political lines and religious identifications are working to combat Christian nationalism, says a sociologist.
Churches will have work to do no matter who wins in November
A new resource invites faith communities to prepare for their response on ‘day one’ after the upcoming presidential election in ways that continue important ministries and the provision of care.
‘The Good News of Church Politics’
Church involvement in local politics can be a spiritual practice, but it’s important to keep the entire community in mind, an associate professor at Virginia Theological Seminary writes in this excerpt.