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Sermons that shed light on issues of Christian leadership

Busy, busy, busy

The story of Mary Magdalene at the tomb illustrates the importance of taking the time to live as we say we want to live, Lillian Daniel says in an Easter sermon.

Journeying with Jesus' body

The narrative of Holy Week has something to offer to those who are too frightened to face the reality of death for fear that their intense grief may be purposeless or endless, says Jessica Bratt in this sermon.

Grave robbing

Mary feared that grave robbers had taken Jesus’ body from the tomb. But it is God who robs graves and renders them useless, writes John Heinemeier.

A meditation for Good Friday

On this darkest of days, we hold close this miracle of God with us. As darkness falls and all is lost, as our souls crumble and our hearts break, we are handed the memory of a Savior who leaned over into the void of the darkness and refused to give in to despair, says Amy Butler.

The view from the ditch

From the perspective of the man in the ditch, the story of the Good Samaritan asks something more profound than whether you’re willing to help: Are you ready to be rescued?

Your future is too small

The bad news is God doesn’t promise to make anybody young. The good news is that God promises to make all things new, says Richard Lischer.

Scars of hope

Everyone has scars and scar stories that are reminders of our wounds. But the scars of Christ are scars of hope, signs that God is with us through all things, says Christi O. Brown.