The airplane conversation with the “spiritual but not religious” person sitting next to you is irritating, but it can be the start to a deeper exploration of Christian faith.
The airplane conversation with the “spiritual but not religious” person sitting next to you is irritating, but it can be the start to a deeper exploration of Christian faith.
Therapists say over-parenting leads to restless 20-somethings, even though they grew up with everything. But does “everything” include God?
Young adults aren’t looking for more entertainment. They’re looking for spiritual nourishment. Are they finding it in church?
What Holy Week can teach Christians about closing a congregation.
Church leaders are good at listening. Except to the sort of young people who loved “Grilled Cheesus.”
We were told there would soon be a clergy shortage. There won’t be. What do we tell those discerning a call today?
Having trouble getting sustainable young adult ministry up and running in your congregation? Join the club.
The best way to reconnect outsiders with the church is (surprise!) to ask them why they’re not there.