The uproar over Palin’s claim of the label “feminism” reminds us that people want space in their faith communities to talk about gender, marriage and family.
Penny Edgell is a professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Her main interest is in how religion shapes moral culture.
The uproar over Palin’s claim of the label “feminism” reminds us that people want space in their faith communities to talk about gender, marriage and family.
How good are churches at providing “bonding” social capital among its members?
How good are churches at providing “bonding” social capital among its members?
Religious leaders had better be concerned about the drop in religious affiliation among Millennials.
For too long, people have faced isolation, stress, and judgment with regards to their personal finances. This five-part podcast series will inspire clergy, congregations and communities to normalize conversations about money. Each episode features a pastoral leader who shares practical resources and lessons from their own financial journey to help congregations — both clergy and laity — thrive.
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