Considering the future of the 'Old First Church'
In this two-part series, United Methodist Church Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. and the Rev. Audrey Warren reflect on First Churches -- those anchor congregations in American downtowns. How can these institutions, which may be rich in tradition but strapped for cash, adapt to a changing society?
Disrupting spiritual abuse requires modeling Jesus and pursuing accountability
The teachings of Jesus combined with some underlying principles of the legal system provide guidance in addressing church trauma that spiritually hurts the marginalized, writes an attorney and author.

Five tips for churches considering property development
Churches are learning how to get started well with adaptive reuse and property development, writes the co-founder of a nonprofit that has worked with hundreds of churches.
How do you manage frustration?
With frustration rising, there are possibilities for containing the contagion and harnessing the energy generated for hope, writes the executive director of Leadership Education at Duke Divinity.

More on Congregational innovation
When songs become sermons — a different way of preaching
No longer able to sustain a choral program and facing clergy overload, members of a Maryland congregation now tell the old, old story by leaning into music, their pastor writes.

Don’t miss the significance of congregational toads in your church’s ecosystem
If we pay attention, the presence or absence of certain indicators can help us assess the vitality of our faith communities, writes a director of grants for Leadership Education at Duke Divinity.

What happens when the church is turned upside down?
Encountering a sculpture in a public square prompts a church innovator to reflect on the changes in our institutions — and how to react to them.

More on Missions & Community
Facts & Faith Fridays bridges science and faith to host conversations about health
Conversations that began in the pandemic continue as faith and health leaders tackle a variety of health issues, with a focus on the Black community, writes the faith liaison for the program at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Churches and immigration: The clarity of Jesus’ call
Eight years ago, two congregations in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, worked together to provide sanctuary to a woman facing deportation. A pastor deeply involved in that effort looks back on the experience and considers what recent government actions mean for Christian commitment to the vulnerable.

A recovery and reentry program provides community for those struggling with addiction
A ministry in North Carolina supports people recovering from addiction or incarceration with jobs, resources and relationships.