Editor's note: The Rev. Gardner C. Taylor died on April 5, 2015.
Born: June 19, 1918, Baton Rouge, La.
Married: Laura Bell Scott, Aug. 25, 1941; died Feb. 5, 1995
Phillis Strong, July 30, 1996
Children: Martha Taylor Lacroix
A.B., Leland College, Baker, La., 1937
B.D., Oberlin Graduate School of Theology, 1940
Pastor, Bethany Baptist Church, Oberlin, Ohio, 1938-1941
Pastor, Beulah Baptist Church, New Orleans, La., 1941-1943
Pastor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, La., 1943-1947
Senior Pastor, Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1948-1990
Awards and Honors:
Oberlin College, Alumni Citation for Influence as a Preacher, 1957
President, Progressive Baptist National Convention, 1966-1969
City University of New York, Presidential Medal
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2000
“How Shall They Preach,” 1976; “The Scarlet Thread,” 1981; “Chariots Aflame,” 1988; “We Have This Ministry,” 1996; “Words of Gardner Taylor,” 6 vols, 2002.
Sources: “Who’s Who Among African Americans” and “African-American Preaching: The Contribution of Dr. Gardner C. Taylor”