Editor's note: This interview is part of a series.
The Right Rev. V. Gene Robinson is best known for being the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church. His controversial 2003 election as bishop of New Hampshire prompted theologically conservative parishes to align themselves with bishops outside the Episcopal Church in the United States.
His ministry has focused on clergy and congregational wellness. He is co-author of three AIDS education curricula for youth and adults, and has done AIDS work in the United States, Uganda and South Africa. He also has been an advocate for anti-racism training, debt relief for the world’s most impoverished nations and has lobbied for socially responsible investment within and beyond the Anglican Church.
In January 2009, Robinson delivered the invocation at the kickoff event of President Barack Obama’s inaugural weekend, held at the Lincoln Memorial.
Robinson spoke with Faith & Leadership in October 2008 while visiting Duke University at the invitation of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center.