Consider the introverts
Leadership comes at all volumes. The church must listen for quieter voices, too.
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Leadership comes at all volumes. The church must listen for quieter voices, too.
Now could be the time to rediscover why we chose a faith community in the first place and to consider what’s next, writes the director of the Thriving Congregations Coordination Program at Duke Divinity.
A Black mother of sons challenges white women to move beyond silence or tepid, timid outrage to work for a world in which all of God’s children can live more fully and fairly.
Don’t let the ingrained belief that only churches with full-time pastors can thrive keep you from making the switch to part-time clergy, writes an author who has researched the effects of part-time ministry.
John Gasangwa, an entrepreneur who grew up in a refugee camp, uses his business training to create jobs in remote western Rwanda. Arise Rwanda Ministries has developed the coffee trade as well as educational and microlending opportunities for people living in the region.
Finding good people to serve your congregation or organization isn’t enough, writes a pastor. You also need to develop a strategy to retain them.
Developing a leadership pathway for people in his congregation helped an associate pastor avoid the last-minute scramble to fill open positions. The six-month process includes prayer, reading, discussion and discernment.