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TagsBecca Edwards: Science is a tool that helps us better live out our faith
In her work as a climate action fellow, a former science professor equips clergy and laypeople to advocate for environmental justice.
Embodying veritas: A charism of pursuing truth in love
A Catholic theologian and author for the Theological Education Between the Times series writes about recommitting to the gift of the Spirit that fuels her organization.
Study reveals clergy leaders often lack adequate training in five key areas
Survey respondents identify skill sets they must develop for their complex roles.
‘On Becoming Wise Together: Learning and Leading in the City’
In this excerpt from the newest book in the Theological Education Between the Times series, an educator considers theological formation as a communal rather than individual undertaking.
Ted A. Smith: A hope-filled end of theological education
The director of the Theological Education Between the Times project talks about the intentional planning behind the effort and his contribution to its book series.
Tim Keller’s final seminar
During his last three years of life, the pastor and teacher Tim Keller revealed how his faith, prayer life and trust in Christ were deepening. His witness offers lessons — and questions — for us all, writes a friend and former student.
What Paul can teach us about distance education
Paul formed many Christian communities without being with them in person.
Terry LeBlanc: A seminary teaches how to be authentically Indigenous and Christian
A North American Indigenous learning community focuses on Indigenous-led theological education.
TheoEd brings the TED Talk model to Christian leaders
What does it take to engage public audiences in conversations about God, religion and the power of faith to shape lives and communities? Hosting TED-style talks is one answer, writes an assistant professor at Candler School of Theology.
Mark S. Young: Rediscovering the hope-filled meaning of evangelicalism
Theological education provides a path forward for a movement that has lost its way, writes the president of Denver Seminary in his contribution to the Theological Education Between the Times series.