
  • We will pray daily.
  • We will use a variety of forms of prayer, such as the reflective reading of Scripture and other spiritual texts, confession, the prayer of examen, intercession, journaling and contemplation.
  • We will fast regularly.


  • We will practice a contemplative stance in order to be present to God, the world and ourselves.
  • We will be hospitable to our neighbors in our families, neighborhoods and workplaces.
  • We will be hospitable to our faith community through participation in our worship, fellowship and mission.


  • We will honor and care for the gift of the earth and its resources, practicing ecologically responsible living, striving for simplicity rather than excessive consumption.
  • We will practice generosity in sharing our material resources, including money, within and beyond this community.
  • We will use our spiritual gifts, talents and abilities to serve God within and beyond this community.


  • We will serve God and neighbor out of gratitude for the love of God.
  • We will practice mutual accountability with a covenant group within the community, for how we serve God and neighbor.
  • We will practice regular Sabbath in individual meaningful ways as a means of renewal, so that we can lovingly serve God and neighbor.


  • We will participate in God’s reconciliation work in the world.
  • We will resist evil, that we may grow in our covenant with God.
  • We will pursue peace in a manner that is just.
  • We will share the redeeming, healing, creative love of God in word, deed and presence as an invitation to others to experience the transforming love of God.

I commit to this rule of life and to the well-being of this community, out of gratitude to God who forgives, heals and makes all things new. May my life be a blessing within and beyond God’s church, for the transformation of the world.

Source: Academy for Missional Wisdom